화장품 화이트 색상 이미지-S1L1
화장품 모델 착용 이미지-S1L2
화장품 상품 이미지-S1L3
Nigella Sativa Extract Benefits

- Contains Minimum 5% Thymoquinone Content
- Supports Cognitive Function
- Promotes Weight Loss
- Supports Digestive Health
- Supports Live Health
- Supports Immune Health

Nigella Sativa seeds contain a well-balanced composition of proteins, fatty acids and carbohydrates. A specific subset of the fatty acids, known as the essential oil, is considered the active part of the Nigella Sativa seed as it contains the main bioactive component Thymoquinone. While the oil component of a Nigella Sativa seed usually comprises 36-38% of its total weight, the essential oil component usually only accounts for .4% - 2.5% of the Nigella Sativa seeds total weight. It is believed that Thymoquinone is largely responsible for Nigella Sativa's reported health benefits.

Traditionally, using a black seed oil supplement will only provide you with an average of 1% Thymoquinone content. This is in stark contrast to the Nigella Sativa Extract that Nootropics Depot carries which has 5 times as much at 5% Thymoquinone content! Not only is the thymoquinone content higher, but it is also available in capsule form. This makes incorporating Nigella Sativa extract into a supplement regimen much more convenient.

Nootropics Depot's Nigella Sativa Extract has been lab-tested for product purity and identity.
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- 활력 넘치는 하루를 보내세요
- 최소 5% 티모퀴논 함유
- 120정
- 1일 1정씩
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